Interesting Facts about Dreams (Nightmares)

Interesting Facts about Dreams (Nightmares)


Everyone see dreams. No I am not talking about your life dreams. I am talking about the dreams you see while sleeping. The dreams which are sometime joyful and sometime most horryiing that is why we like some dreams and also dislike some. Today I will tell you some Facts about dreams or whom we call nightmare.

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Interesting Facts about Dreams (Nightmares)


  • It is difficult to remind that what was the starting point of your dream or from where you started your dream.


  • A person having more IQ can remember more dreams.


  • It is believed that small babies don’t see dream while sleeping in their first 3-4 years.


  • The first book on Dreams was written in Egypt almost 4000 B.C ago.


  • Sometimes when we are watching dream while sleeping our body is turn into paralysis mode and we are not able to move our body parts at that time and due to which sometimes we feel that we are doing all things in the real world but that was actually the dream.


  • Our brain works faster during the time of sleep as compared to the time we awake.


  • According to some studies it is proved that in dreams we can only see those faces which we saw in real life before.


  • Blind people who were born blind don’t see anything at all. They still dream, and their dreams are just as intense and interesting, but they involve the other senses in which they can smell or hear.


  • We forget our 90% of the dream in just 10 minutes after we sleep up.


  • Most of the people think that the dreams they watch in morning time will happen in reality but it was not true. There are very rare chances that dreams will happen in reality.


  • In the past, the color that people see in the dreams was most black & white till the color Tv’s launched.


  • Some people start walking while sleeping and they suffer from a disease known as “SLEEPING WALK“.


  • Not only humans but animals also see dreams. Watch a dog when he will sleep, if he keep moving paws understand that dog is dreaming. Don’t disturb the dog. (hahaha).


  • Dreams are responsible for many of the greatest inventions of mankind.

    A few examples include:
    • The idea for Google -Larry Page
    • Alternating current generator -Tesla
    • DNA’s double helix spiral -James Watson
    • The sewing machine -Elias Howe
    • Periodic table -Dimitri Mendeleyev


  • We cannot read in Dreams and even it is also tough to watch time of the clock.


  • A person will spend almost 6 years in watching dreams only.


  • The very scientifically-named “nocturnal penile tumescence” is a very well documented phenomenon. In layman’s term, it simply means that you get a stiffy while you sleep. Actually, studies indicate that men get up to 20 erections per dream.

So these are Interesting Facts about Dreams (Nightmares)

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