Less Known Mysteries & Interesting Facts about Ancient Egypt

Less Known Mysteries & Interesting Facts about Ancient Egypt

The history of Egypt has been long and wealthy. Much of Egypt’s ancient history is a mystery. The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, is the Great Pyramid of Giza. The Library of Alexandria was the only one of its kind for centuries. Read Less Known Mysteries & Interesting Facts about Ancient Egypt.

Less Known Mysteries & Interesting Facts about Ancient Egypt
  • A Pharaoh never show his hair. He always wear a crown or a  head-dress known as Nemes (the striped cloth head-dress made by famous Tutankhamen’s golden mask).
    Less Known Mysteries & Interesting Facts about Ancient Egypt
  • The oldest dress in the world comes from Egypt. It is 5,000 years old.

Tarkhan worlds oldest dress

  • The children in Ancient Egypt wore no clothing until they reach the teenage and the reason of this was temperature in Egypt.
  • Egyptian’s believed that the earth was flat and round (like a pancake) and the river Nile flow from the center of it.
  • In every temple of ancient Egypt, the pharaoh was supposed to carry out the duties of the high priests, and the Pharaoh’s place was usually taken by the chief priest.
  • When a body was mummified (A mummy is a dead human or an animal whose skin and organs have been preserved), its brain was removed through one of its nostrils and its intestines were also removed and placed in jars known as Canopic jars. Each organ was placed in its own jar. The only internal organ that was not removed was the heart, because Egyptians considered it to be the seat of the soul.
    Canopic jars
  • It is assumed that Egyptians were the first people who invented writing, as well as ink and paper.
  • “OTZI”  is the mummy found in Tyrol Alps in 1991. It was the mummy of a person who died in 3300 B.C. and Otzi is also known as the Iceman.Random Encyclopedia Interesting Facts about World History
  • In ancient times the Egyptians shaved their hair, in order to protect themselves from lice. They hide their bald head under black wigs.
  • Egypt had gold mines and was the richest country of the Ancient World.
  • Fly swatters made from giraffe tails were a popular fashion item in ancient Egypt.
    facts about fly swatters
  • In Egypt, both men and women wore eye make-up called kohl, which was made from ground-up raw material mixed with oil. They believed it had magical healing powers that could restore poor eyesight and fight eye infection.
  • The oldest known pyramid in Egypt was built around 2630 B.C. at Saqqara, for the third dynasty’s King Djoser known as the Step Pyramid.
    Less Known Mysteries & Interesting Facts about Ancient Egypt
  • The ancient Egyptians believed that the god Thoth invented writing and passed its secret to humans. His symbols were a bird called an ibis and a baboon.
  • The Great Pyramid at Giza has a opening like window type, pointing to the constellation of Orion. So the mummy’s spirit could fly straight up to the gods.
    Less Known Mysteries & Interesting Facts about Ancient Egypt
  • The oldest death sentence recorded is found in ancient Egypt. The Amherst papyri, a teenaged male in 1500 B.C. was sentenced who killed himself by either poison or stabbing for practising magic.
  • Toilets were also used by some ancient Egyptian tombs.
  • The ancient Egyptians may have been the first people to keep cattle.
  • Ancient Egyptians saved such good flood records on the river Nile that scientists today use their data to better understand rainfall patterns.

These are some Less Known Mysteries & Interesting Facts about Ancient Egypt.

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