Interesting and Weird Facts about Snow Leopards

Interesting and Weird Facts about Snow Leopards

Do you what is the scientific name of Snow leopard? The scientific name of Snow Leopard is Uncia. When we hear about snow leopard, the words strike on our mind are beautiful, attractive, sharp, a loaded predator. Today we share some Interesting and Weird Facts about Snow Leopards.

Interesting and Weird Facts about Snow Leopards

Interesting and Weird Facts about Snow Leopards

  • Snow Leopard are now endangered species. These Endangered cats are able to jump as far as 15m and can take down a prey whose weight is three times more than their weight.
  • China holds 60% of the snow leopard population.
  • The fur on their belly is about 5 inches thick.
  • The nose of the leopard is short but has a wide nasal cavity that causes the air to be warmed before reaching the leopard’s lungs.
  • Their long, thick tails are used as a balancing aid when chasing predators.

Interesting and Weird Facts about Snow Leopards

  • Adults are solitary and only interact with other leopards during the breeding season.
  • Snow leopards have become extinct from Mongolia.
  • As the cubs reach 7 days, their blindness ends and they open their eyes.

Interesting and Weird Facts about Snow Leopards

  • Snow leopards are generally smaller than most leopards, weighing only about 30-55 kg.
  • In average twice in a month, they may hunt large mammals and feed on their flesh for several days.
  • Female snow leopard have a gestation period (pregnancy) of about 3-3½ months.
  •  An average female gives birth to a litter consisting 1 to 5 cubs.
  • Most cubs do not reach adulthood due to many natural and even man-made reasons like habitat destruction.
  • A major reason for their endangerment is that they are excessively hunted for their organs, fur and claws that are valuable in Chinese market.
  • The snow leopard cannot roar. This is due to their underdeveloped vocal cords.
  • Snow leopards aren’t always nocturnal (active in night), but they are rarely seen during the day either. They’re mostly active during dawn and dusk making them cats of a “crepuscular activity pattern” as named by scientists.
  • The scientific name for the snow leopard is Uncia Uncia.

So, these are some Interesting and Weird Facts about Snow Leopards.

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