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Unbelievable Success Story of a Shoes Company in Madras

Unbelievable Success Story of a Shoes Company in Madras

Post Last Updated on Jul 15, 2020 @ 12:54 AM

This story is very interesting. When you read this story you come to know that for success, we need tricks also. Read, Unbelievable Success Story of a Shoes Company in Madras. This story was of Chennai state which was earlier known as Madras. A shoe company earned a lot of money by using a small clever trick. The company distributed free shoes. You may now get surprised that, how can someone earn the profit by providing free material. Read

Unbelievable Success Story of a Shoes Company in Madras

Unbelievable Success Story of a Shoes Company in Madras

  • In the earlier time, when there was no too much development in INDIA. There was a state Madras, today known as Chennai. The people here in history were walking barefoot due to which there were big and Swallowed Foots of people.
  • Every person in Chennai was with big and swallowed feet. The reason is that there were no sandals, shoes to wear at that time.
  • Due to the high temperature in Chennai, people have to walk without shoes, due to which this was the conditions of their feet.
  • One day a shoe company noticed that people were walking without shoes. They used a trick and provided free shoes to every person.
  • The people start using shoes and their foot don’t get burned by the heat of earth or not getting swollen. People were Happy and start Feeling Relax in their feet because now they saved feet from heat, stones etc. by using shoes.
  • Then the shoe company noticed that people of Chennai now can’t bear the pain if they again start walking without shoes.
  • After some time, when shoes start getting old and now the people want new shoes.
  • At that time Shoes Company started its market and started selling shoes at a good price. People are pleased to buy shoes for comforts and they start buying shoes, due to which the company earned a lot of money and recovered their old loss by using this trick. So, this is the Unbelievable Success Story of a Shoes Company in Madras.

Actually, I don’t know which shoe company was it because I heard this story from old age person but if you know Jio Telecommunication company of India. You will understand that during launching time when the company was new in market they provided us free internet for years. In a very short time, the company got popularity and then they started their recharge plans. Due to millions of customer using their service from long time they continued their services.

Hope, you enjoyed this story. Give suggestions and put your questions through comments.

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