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Less known & Interesting Random facts

Less known & Interesting Random facts

Facts an interesting way of learning knowledge about different things. Without any hurdle read Less known & Interesting Random facts.

Less known & Interesting Random facts

Less known & Interesting Random facts

  • About 1,59,635 are going to die when you die.
  • Old Age is not the main reason of death, but the disease’s are responsible for death.
  • If you cut the head of a person, that person will be live for 20 seconds, after cutting head, but if you shoot on a person’s head that will die on the spot.
  • The dead body decay 4 times faster in water than earth.
  • The enzymes which digest food our body, those enzymes start destroying us after 3 days of death.
  • It is a fact that people doing work with left hand, will die 3 years before then right handed people.
  • Every year 3.4 million people die due to water-borne diseases .
  • In Africa, people have to travel a distance of 6 km to get water for drinking.
  • One time flush makes 6 litres of water dirty.
  • In America, 40% of women’s give birth to child before marriage.
  • 70% of women like to eat chocolate than having sex.
  • The word “women” is derived from “wyfmen” which means wife of men.
  • A women’s tongue can taste more dishes than the tongue of men.
  • After every 90 seconds, a women die due to giving birth to a child.
  • In every 13 minutes, a woman die in America due to Breast cancer.

Less known & Interesting Random facts

  • Do you know after humans, only dogs feel, your order, by your eyes expression. If you are thinking this is wrong, just stare your pet dog and note her expression, you come to know yourself.
  • Be Aware of dogs is the caution found written on a gate, in Rome in ancient time.
  • Do you know Smell power of dog is 1000 time stronger than human’s and their hearing power is 5 times stronger than humans. That’s why dogs are used for searching bombs etc.
  • The DNA of fox and dog is 99% same, it is asked that their ancestors are same.
  • If your pet dog is going out of home, then don’t follow him, but act like you are injury and dog himself come back to see you.
  • There are four blood groups of human’s (i.e O,A,B,AB), but there are 13 blood groups of dog.
  • In Iceland, it is prohibited to fed a dog and it is crime in Oklahoma to tease a dog.

Less known & Interesting Random facts

  • When a girl smiles, boys go crazy.
  • The world’s tallest building Atulniya kingdom tower is going to build in Arab and it is high than 1km.
  • Saudi Arabia country holds the fourth position for giving death penalty and it is given by cutting the heads by Swords. Now,due to the decrease in decapitating  person (people who cuts head) they were thinking to give death penalty in another way.

head cutting in saudi arabia

  • Every day the people of Saudi Arab spend almost 8$ on smoking.
  • No doubt that in Arab there is the shortage of water but there are a huge amount of oil as compared to the other countries of the world.
  • 95% of the area in Arab is sandy and water is very costly there because there are no ponds and lakes but they made sea water for drinking.
  • The last country which gives permission to women’s for voting is Saudi Arab.
  • There is no constitution in Saudi Arab. This country runs on the rules of Islam written in Quran and these rules are the constitution for them.
  • Boys do not want to talk about the ex-boyfriend of his girlfriend.
  • Most of the boys want to impress that girl, which does not have any affair in past.
  • Boys feel proud, when their girlfriend do not take interest in any other boy.
  • In japan, Late-night dancing was illegal in Japan until 2015.
  • Japan suffers 1,500 earthquakes every year
  • Still, people suffers from Disease’s due to nuclear attack in Japan in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • In Japan, there’s a building with a highway passing through it.
  • Most streets in Japan have no name.
  • In Japanese, there are at least 20 different ways to say “sorry.”
  • Raw horse meat is a popular food in Japan.
  • More than 70% of Japan consists of mountains, including more than 200 volcanoes.
  • Coffee is very popular and Japan imports approximately 85% of Jamaica’s annual coffee production.

So, these are some Less known and Interesting Random Facts.

Also Read – Facts about Psychology of Humans

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