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Interesting and Surprising Random facts that buzz you

Interesting and Surprising Random facts that buzz you

Here are some Interesting and Surprising Random facts that buzz you. These facts will give you some information and valuable knowledge.

Interesting and Surprising Random facts that buzz you
  • The heart of an adult pumps around 7000 litres of blood every day. This could fill about 35 bathtubs.
  • We release about half a litre of gas from the intestines every day, whom we call Farts.
  • The only bone not connected with the rest of the skeleton is The Hyoid Bone. It lies at the root of the tongue.

    Interesting and Surprising Random facts that buzz you
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  • The eye muscles move about 1,00000 times a day. Most of the movements take place during the night while Dreaming.
  • There are around 40 species of bacteria in the Mouth, which protect the mouth cavity from diseases.
  • While coughing, the air is thrown out of the mouth at a speed of over 800km/hr. Jet planes fly at this speed.
  • Earlier, Coca-cola was sold as a medicine and not a refreshing drink.
     Interesting and Surprising Random facts that buzz you
  • The Oldest Man in the world died at the age of 127years.
  • The Taj Mahal in India houses the grave of Queen Mumtaz Mahal. The grave of Shahjahan was added to it later.
  • The first Antibiotic was “PENICILLIN“.
  • The practice of vaccination in humans is only about 204years old. Earlier, about one-third of the world’s population died from high infectious diseases such as Small Pox.
  •  The Great Pyramid was the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years

So, these are some Interesting and Surprising Random facts that buzz you. These facts are the facts of Encyclopaedia of edition 2014.

Hope you enjoyed these facts.

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