Amazing Facts about common Salt (NaCl) that surprise you

Salt a daily taste of our life which is known as Sodium Chloride in Chemistry and its chemical formula NaCl in which Na means sodium and Cl means chloride, Commonly we call it common salt. Read Amazing Facts about common Salt (NaCl) that surprise you.

Amazing Facts about common Salt (NaCl) that surprise you

  • In America, only 6% salt is used in meals and 17% salt is used for melting of Ice on roads.
  • Do you know India holds the third position in the world for manufacturing salt, in which 70% of salt is extracted from seawater.
  • Every year India manufacture about 24 million tonne of salt, in which 18 million tonne is used by India. India has a strategy to produce 40 million tonne of salt every year until the year 2022.
  • You get surprise to know that Indian’s use only 35% of salt for their daily food routines from the salt they produce.

  • Before the Freedom of India, India was lacking for salt, but today India export 5 million of salt in 20 countries.
Also Read :- Surprising Facts of water.
  • In human body, the salt is present in almost every cell and 250 gm of salt is present in our body.
  • According to scientist salt never stay on depth of sea, because they believe that sea has no depth.
  • In the World, the first black salt was made by India.
  • It is asked that if you take a large amount of salt, it will lead you to death. If a 100 kg person takes 100 gm of salt he can die after sometime.
  • One teaspoon salt in a cup of warm water with a brush or hand rub at the stain of sweat on cloth get removed.
  • India’s exports salt to these countries Japan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, South Korea, North Korea, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, Vietnam and Qatar etc.
These are some Amazing Facts about common Salt (NaCl) that surprise you. Put your question and comments in the comment box.

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