Facts about Animals

Interesting and Weird Facts about Snow Leopards

Do you what is the scientific name of Snow leopard? The scientific name of Snow Leopard is Uncia. When we…

3 years ago

Amazing facts about Komondor Dog

Komondor dog a special breed of dog. The Komondor comes with lots of benefits in addition to the responsibilities. This…

3 years ago

Amazing & interesting facts about Camels

Camels the unique creation with amazing special qualities generally known for their humps. Camels are famously known as the "Ships…

3 years ago

Unfortunate Reason why people hunt Elephants

The differences between African and Asian elephants is of Tusks. All African elephants, male and female, have tusks whereas only…

3 years ago

Why Grey Whales Mammals are hunted

This time I inform you about a question that Why grey Why Grey Whales Mammals are hunted. The Grey Whale…

3 years ago

Strange facts about Snake

God has created many amazing things on earth and in that one of the amazing reptile is Snake. Most of…

3 years ago

Unknown and Surprising facts about Dinosaurs

As we pronounce the name of the dinosaur, the images of large animals begin to form in our own mind.…

7 years ago

Amazing facts about Dolphin which blow mind

One of the lovely mammal whom you found human friendly. Dolphin is a common name of aquatic mammals within the…

7 years ago

Interesting & Amazing facts about Elephants that you may know

The elephant’s gestation period is of 22 months – longer than any other animal in the world. A newborn human…

7 years ago

Interesting and Lesser Known Facts about Zebra

Zebras are African equines with distinctive black-and-white striped coats. There are three extant species: the Grévy's zebra, plains zebra, and…

7 years ago