Less known Interesting & Surprising facts about Universe

Less known Interesting & Surprising facts about Universe

Less known Interesting & Surprising facts about Universe you may know. The facts are very interesting. Give a few minute read

Less known Interesting & Surprising facts about Universe

  • More than 2200 years ago, the Greek discovered that the EARTH IS ROUND. They even calculated almost accurate Circumference of the Earth.
  • Dinosaurs were wiped out by volcanoes  that erupted in India about 65 million years ago.
  • There are no seasons on the planet Venus. The reason is that Venus’s axis of rotation is almost verical.

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  • 21 June, is the biggest day of the year. The Sun is at its Highest point on the Northern Hemisphere.
  • The footprints of the Astronauts can remain, on the surface of the Moon for a long time, because they are not blown over by the wind.
  • Does Venus rotate in a direction opposite to that of the EARTH?
    An observer on Venus would watch SUNRISE in the WEST and SUNSET in the EAST.
  • A new Star is born after every 20 days.
  • The age of the oldest star in the Milky-way( galaxy that contains our Solar System) is about 13.2 billion years.
  • A Sea floor structure located beneath the Indian Ocean in west of Mumbai (INDIA) was formed by a 40 km wide Asteroid around 65 million years ago. It is named as Shiva (the GOD OF DESTRUCTION and RENEWAL in Hinduism).

Less known Interesting & Surprising facts about Universe

  • Many stars are 1000 times bigger than our SUN.
  • Life is known to exist only on Earth, but in 1986 NASA found that, there might be fossils of microscopic living things in a rock on planet Mars.

These are some Less known Interesting & Surprising facts about Universe

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