ATM a machine we use whenever we need money in form of cash quickly. Read Amazing facts about ATM (Auto Teller Machine).
- (Automated Teller Machine) is the full form of ATM.
- You may get amazed that ATM was developed in India, and the idea behind it was of John Shephard barren of Scotland who gets birth in India on 23 June 1925. His father was chief engineer of Meghalaya which is state in India.
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- London set the first ATM machine on 27 JuneĀ in 1967 of Barclays Bank.
- There are almost 30 Lac of ATM all over the world in which 2.5 lakh ATM’s exists in India.
- India set the first ATM in 1987.
- The John Barren wants to set six digits pin in ATM’s but later his wife said that it was too long and this is the reason that pin of ATM is of four digits.
- You can use ATM service without having any bank account, but this service is not available in India. In Romania, 84% of people use ATM service without having any bank account.
- Abu Dhabi set the first ATM from which you can transact Gold.
- In Antartica, there is only one ATM.
- In India, the maximum cash is transacted by people on Friday.
These are someĀ Amazing facts about ATM (Auto Teller Machine).