Unknown & amazing facts about Tortoise | Tortoise facts info

On Earth, if we talk about the most life span of animal on planet earth then it reminds us tortoise. Tortoise life span is very long as compared to other animals. Today, we are going to tell you some

Unknown & amazing facts about Tortoise | Tortoise facts info

  • Tortoise has been living on Earth for the last 200 million years. The last fossil of the tortoise that scientists found is 12 million years old. Tortoise came to earth before snakes, lizards, crocodiles and birds.


  • World Tortoise Day is celebrated on 23 May every year. Tortoise can be a turtle but turtle cannot be a tortoise. And understand, all crawling and shelled organisms that belong to the Cheloni family are called turtles. And local turtles are called tortoise.


  • More than 318 species of tortoise are present on this earth. Some of them live on the earth and some remain in the water. Many species are on the brink of extinction.


  • Tortoises are not poisonous.


  • Finding the tortoise gender is not as easy as you think. Their chest cover is the easiest way to identify male and female. Often, male turtles are slightly longer than females and their tail is too long then females. They also do the intercourse from chest cover.


  • The tortoise shell gets fade as they live in hot areas and their shell get dark when they live in cold areas.


  • Tortoise produces new babies with eggs. The female tortoise first digs the soil, then she gives 1 to 30 eggs at one time. It takes 90 to 120 days to get children out of eggs.


  • Tortoise does not have a tooth in the mouth, but there is a bone plate that helps them chew the food.


  • The tortoise has to evacuate the lungs before hiding in its armour. Before hiding, you can hear their exhale.


  • Tortoise is a cold-blooded creature. In the cold, their body gets accumulated and they go into Hibernation.


  • Some tortoise can survive for 150 years or more. The tortoise named ‘Harriet’, which was carved in 1835 by ‘Charles Darwin’, that tortoise died in 2006 in a zoo in Australia. At the time of his death, his age was 175 years.


  • The tortoise walks very slow their speed is approximately 6.4km per day.


So, these are some Unknown & amazing facts about Tortoise | Tortoise facts info


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