Here are some interesting facts which increase your knowledge about the brain, body and history. Facts of Encyclopedia edition 2014. Read Less known Encyclopedia Facts about Brain, Body, History.
Less known Encyclopedia Facts about Brain, Body, History
Facts about Brain
Most of the humans cannot concentrate on one thing more than 15 minutes. After every 15-minute human mind wants to refresh.
In the human brain, about 100 billion nerve cells are connected to one another and transmit information. If it gets damaged due to stroke, one has to relearn a lot of things like speaking, walking or eating.
A person’s brain cannot concentrate after several days of incomplete sleep.
No computer in the world can match the performance of our brain.
The brain of humans is 60% of white matter and 40% of grey matter.
The Elephant brain is anatomically larger than the human brain.
The human brain is the fattiest organ in the body and may consist of at least 60% fat.
Human’s brain stops growing at the age of 18.
In human, the Axon in the brain is smaller than 1mm, whereas in the spinal cord they can be as long as 1m.
A cat’s brain is more similar to a human’s brain than that of a dog.
The heart of an adult pumps around 7000 litres of blood in a day. This could fill about 35 bathtubs.
We release about half a litre of gas from the intestines every day, which we call Farts.
The only bone not connected with the rest of the skeleton is The HYOID Bone. It lies at the root of the tongue.
The eye muscles move about 1,00000 times a day. Most of the movements take place during night while Dreaming.
There are around 40 species of bacteria in the Mouth, which protect the mouth cavity from diseases.
Facts about History
The famous Mongolian Ruler Genghis Khan overcame, The Great Wall of China in 1210 with 100,000 soldiers and conquered Peking, the capital city of China.
“OTZI” the mummy found in Tyrol Alps in 1991, was of a person who died in 3300 B.c.
The Babylonians were the first to divide a week into seven days and a day into 24 hours.
Egypt had gold mines and was the richest country of the Ancient World.
Jade, a greenish gemstone, was more valuable to the Chinese than Gold.
In Europe, about 50,000 women were executed as witches.
The world-famous painting Monalisa was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci.
In the 2nd World War, about 55-60 million people lost their lives.
People used to eat with their hands, till a princess Frim Byzantine, the East Roman Empire, introduced the first fork at a European royal court in 1701.
These are some Less known Encyclopedia Facts about Brain, Body, History.