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Interesting facts about Bill Gates | Bill Gates unknown facts & info

A person counted in the richest persons of the world and who will not know
this person Bill Gates, the owner of Microsoft Company. Maybe you are one of
them using his company’s product but the interesting thing is that being too
rich Bill Gates wear a watch having price only 10$. Let’s read some
Interesting facts about Bill Gates | Bill Gates unknown facts & info

  • The full name of Bill Gates is William Henry Gates-3.


  • He is not a person who was poor and then became the richest person in the world but
    his father Willam.H Gates was a famous lawyer and Gates grandfather was also the owner of Bank.


  • Bill Gates started programming computers only the age of 13 years.


  • One of the amazing fact about Bill is that he loved computer software programming so much that
    he was always busy in programming due to which he has to suffer failure in his 11th standard.


  • Gates used his first computer program to create a game whose name was “Tic-tac-toe” game.
    In this game, there were two players the one is computer and the another one is who is playing
    the game.


  • Bill sold his first program when he his age was 17 years and this program was purchased by
    his school for the school timetable system.


  • Gates left his college studies in the middle. He left Harvard University in 1975 and dedicated
    himself towards Microsoft. However, in 2007 he was honoured by Honorary Degree by the
    same Harvard University.

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  • The Bill Gates desire was to become a millionaire at the age of 30 but fortunately, he
    becomes a billionaire at the age of 31.


  • The first company of Bill Gates was “Traff-o-Data”. This company made small devices which
    record the calculation of cars passing on the road.


  • Until 1997, he used to fly like a common man. Now Bill has his own plane, which he
    call his ‘big wasteful’ thing.


  • Bill Gates also has a code written by inventor “Leonardo da Vinci” who was bought
    for $ 30.8 million in 1994.


  • Do you know Bill Gates do not know any other language other than English?


  • At the age of 17, Billbrokend a red light for that mistake, he was punished and put into
    the jail for some time.


  • Bill Gates earn approximately Rs. 12054 in a second which means 102 core in a day.


  • Bill Gates can take off the entire US debt in just ten years.


  • Even if Bill Gates spends 6.5 million rupees a day, it would take 218 years to spend his entire property.


  • Bill Gates has two daughters and a son. Every child will receive only $ 10 million from parents, while
    their property is more than $ 72 billion.


  • Bill Gates still cleans his own plate after eating food. He says that he like it.


So, these are Interesting facts about Bill Gates | Bill Gates unknown facts & info

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