Surprising and amazing facts about Finland-facts & info

 It is said that Finland’s education system is the best in the world.
Children in Finland start their schooling education when they reaches in 7th year.
Today we will tell you some Surprising and amazing facts about Finland-facts & info

 Surprising and amazing facts about Finland-facts & info

  • Finland has a population of approximately 55 million, there are approximately 18 people
    living in 1 square kilometre, which is the lowest in the European Union.
  • In middle age, Finland was a part of the Sweeden country.
  • In Finland, when someone earns their Ph.D., they are given a top hat and a sword.
  • There are tuition-free Universities in Finland, Austria, Norway, Germany, and Sweden
    with careers in English for international students.
  • The Brown bear is the national animal of Finland. Surprising and amazing facts about Finland-facts & info
  • Donald Duck’s comics were banned in Finland because he did not wear any pants.
  • Finland is unique in many ways, but it is interesting that traffic invoices(Challan) are deducted
    according to the salaries of the people. However, this law tightened the policeman because
    people used to say their earnings always low.
  • Nokia is a brand of Finland.
  • You will be surprised to know that throwing mobile phone is the official game of Finland.
  • You can not cut the nails of cats in Finland.
  • There is a golf club on the border of Sweden and Finland with half the holes in one
    country and the half in another country.
  • In Finland, 9 out of every 10 plastic bottles are recycled, while 100% of glass bottles are recycled.
  • The people of Finland have given the world the first Internet browser.
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  • There is a total of 1,87,888 lakes in Finland, due to which it is
    also known as the Land of Lakes.
  • Finlandia’s like coffee the most. They drink 3 to 4 cups of coffee a day, which positively influences their life.
  • If you want to go from Finland to North Korea, you just have to cross
    a country and that is “Russia”.

So, these are some Surprising and amazing facts about Finland-facts & info

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