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Top amazing facts about Aeroplanes | weird facts about aeroplanes

An airplane or aeroplane is a powered, fixed-wing aircraft that is propelled forward by
thrust from a jet engine or propeller. Airplanes come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and
wing configurations.Today, we share some
Top amazing facts about Aeroplanes | weird facts about aeroplanes

Top amazing facts about Aeroplanes | weird facts about aeroplanes

  • Every day, about 2 million aeroplanes fly all over the world. But still,
    only 5% of the population has been travelled into the planes.
  • In this world of technology, the plane is capable of blowing itself (Autopilot mode)
    without the pilot.
    But it is important to have a pilot in the control room with the
    view of the safety of the passengers.
  • All the people, including the pilots who work in the aeroplane, are capable of speaking the English.
    Because this is flight’s international language.
  • Many people do not like the food by aeroplanes because the taste of our tongue changes after
    we get to a higher elevation.
    Therefore, more salt is also added to the food found in the aeroplane.

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  • People leave the fart at the time of air travel, hence the charcoal filter is used to
    reduce the stigma in the planes.
  • When Neil Armstrong walked on the moon for the first time, he had a piece of the|
    aeroplane of the Right Brothers.
  • Till date, 80% aeroplane accidents have taken place within 3 minutes of taking off or
    within the last 8 minutes of landing.

    The biggest airplane crash was taking place in 1977, in which about 500 people died.
  • In 1986, the aeroplane named ‘Voyager’ has travelled the whole world, without refuelling and without landing.Top amazing facts about Aeroplanes | weird facts about aeroplanes
  • 1 out of 5 people are afraid to fly, this is called as “Aviophobia”.
  • There is a thing called a black box in the aeroplane, its job is to provide
    information about the plane’s accident.
    No matter how big a crash happens,
    but there is a lot of chances that you will find such a black box without any harm to it.

    Actually, this black box is made of special type of steel.
  • Out of the total number of airports in the world, one-third are located in the U.S.
  • Military aeroplanes can be longer than the height of six-story buildings.

So, these are Top amazing facts about Aeroplanes | weird facts about aeroplanes

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