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Surprising facts about Lord Shiva | Amazing facts of Lord Shiva

Today we will talk about God Mahadev, Bholanath, Shiva Shankar Bhagwan,
Namah Shiva and more. What should I tell them about God? he is the creator
and he is the destroyer. Even then, the people who do not know about Lord
Shiva must read this article. By name of God Lord Shiva let’s start the
Surprising facts about Lord Shiva | Amazing facts of Lord Shiva.

Surprising facts about Lord Shiva | Amazing facts of Lord Shiva

  • Lord Shiva has no parents. They are considered to be eternal. Meaning, who
    was always there. There is no date of birth of Lord Shiva.


  • There is no worship of any broken statue. But no matter how much breakage
    the Shivling is, it can be worshipped.


  • We celebrate Shivratri because on this day Shankar-Parvati married.


  • There was also a sister of Lord Shiva Amavasya. Mahadev made himself with his own
    delusion (Maya) when goddess Parvati insisted Lord Shiva.


  • Lord Shiva and mother Parvati had only one son whose name was Kartika. The son
    Ganesh Bhagwan had made by Mother Parvati with her rubbish (body-coated lip).


  • Shankar Bhagwan is never offered any kind of flower Ketaki. Because it was the
    witness of Brahma Ji’s lie.


  • On the Shivling, the Billet (bail-Patras) offer almost all of them. But it also requires a
    special caution that no Billet offer without water.


  • Shankar Bhagwan and Shivalinga are never offered water through conch shells. Because
    Shiva Ji had destroyed the shankhachur with his trident. Let us tell you that conch shell is bone.


  • The name of the snake wrapped around the neck of Lord Shiva Vasuki. It was the second
    king of the Serpentine after Sheshnag. Lord Shiva was pleased and gave it a boon to embrace it.


  • The moon has a boon to live in Lord Shiva’s hair.

So, these are some Surprising facts about Lord Shiva | Amazing facts of Lord Shiva

May Lord Shiva fulfil your positive wishes.


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