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Interesting facts about Alcohol | surprising facts about alcohol

Everyone knows consuming alcohol is bad for health but still many people
drink alcohol and name it that they were enjoying only.We recommend all
our readers to avoid from this poison.Today, we share some
Interesting facts about Alcohol | surprising facts about alcohol with you


  • At present, 5 million people of the world have drunk alcohol.
  • After 6 minutes of drinking alcohol, it starts to become addictive.
  • Alcohol is never digested, but it is consumed directly by blood vessels.
  • Alcohol does not make you forget anything, but after drinking too much alcohol
    you can not remember anything new.
  • Every Russian drink 18 litres of alcohol every year, which is twice the number of harmful amounts.
  • People with blue eyes can tolerate more intoxication.
  • Staying away from Tobacco and alcohol can reduce the risk of cancer by 30%.
  • The world’s most strong beer has 67.5% of Alcohol.
  • Those who clean streets in Amsterdam are given 5 beer, 10 euros and a little tobacco as a salary every day.
  • In the 19th century, it was taught in thousands of American schools that you can be blind or crazy
    by tasting Alcohol once.
  • 31% of rock stars have died due to Drugs or Alcohol.
  • Alexander the great once had started a competition to drink alcohol among his soldiers.
    As long as it was finished, 42 people had been killed due to Alcohol.
  • Alcohol reacts differently on man and woman.
  • The bottle pressure of champagne is 90 pounds per square inch, which is 3 times more
    then the pressure of the tire of the vehicles.interesting-facts-about-alcohol-surprising-facts-alcohol
  • There are 5 crore bubbles in a bottle of champagne.
  • 600 grapes were needed for making a bottle of wine.
  • Due to alcohol, a man dies in every 10 seconds.
  • Drinking alcohol in pregnancy can cause 428 diseases to the child.

So, these are some Interesting facts about Alcohol | surprising facts about alcohol

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