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Amazing facts about Chanakya | Chanakya facts & History

“Acharya Chanakya” the famous personality, legend, leader etc. what you say fits him properly.
A big leader whose policies are followed today also. Everyone wants to read his
thoughts, rules etc.. I can’t explain this great legend in my words. I am a big
fan of Chanakya. Let’s today, we relate you with some
Amazing facts about Chanakya | Chanakya facts & History

Amazing facts about Chanakya | Chanakya facts & History

  • Chanakya was born in 371 BC in a Brahmin family. The name of his father was ‘Chanak’ who
    was a teacher, hence from here he was known as ‘Chanakya’. Their caste was ‘Kautil’ from
    which he was also come to known as ‘Kautilya’. His father named him “Vishnugupta” as his real name.


  • Acharya Chanakya studied in ‘Takshshila University’. Later on, he became a teacher too.
    Chanakya’s interest was in politics since childhood.


  • After becoming a teacher Chanakya went to Pataliputra. He becomes a scholar in the
    court of the Nand dynasty of Magadha Empire. One day there was a fight happened
    between Chanakya and Raja Dhanand, Raja insulted Chanakya in the court.
    Chanakya then opened its peak and said that he will not tie the peak until he will destroy Nand Empire.


  • Chanakya was a very intelligent man, he made such plans that in every situation there are
    hundreds of backups that he will save itself. His thinking was very broad.

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  • Chanakya had full knowledge of medicine and astronomy too. He was mastered in
    ‘Samudhra Shastra’, from which he easily read the face of the person.


  •  Chanakya always said that do not rely on women. She is a less moral character and false.
    But it does not apply to all women. According to him, ‘a good woman is who is holy, skilful
    in household chores and loyal and true to her husband’. He does not say that every woman
    is bad and also does not show that every man is innocent.


  • ‘Chanakya Niti’ is so tremendous that even today the world and the leaders of India use
    it to make foreign relations better.


  • Acharya Chanakya gave a little poison to Chandragupta Maurya through food, so that the
    poisonous attacks of the enemy would not have any effect on him. One day, Chandragupta
    shared the food with his queen, who was 9 months pregnant. He died of poison. But Chanakya
    saved her child by cutting her belly. The name of this child was named ‘Bindusaar’.


So, these are Amazing facts about Chanakya | Chanakya facts & History 


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